Spell Bottles


Spell bottles are spiritual tools that harness the power of specific herbs and crystals to bring out a desired outcome. The items have been chosen specifically for their unique vibrations and metaphysical properties and have been imbued by the full moon’s energy, intentions and focus then sealed with wax to contain that energy until the desired outcome is achieved.

There is no definitive right or wrong method when it comes to utilizing your spell bottle. The key lies in expressing a clear intention to the universe about your desires. You can tap into the bottle's vibrations by holding it in your hand, tucking it beneath your pillow, carrying it in your purse, or placing it in your car – whichever resonates most with you. Remember, energy follows the path of your attention!

Before you begin, take some time to clarify your intention for the spell bottle. Focus on what you hope to attract or enhance in your life and visualize the outcome you desire. You may choose to place it in a specific location where you can see it every day and remind yourself of the intention, or carry it with you to keep the energy of the spell close.

Material: Glass

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Anxiety Relief Bottle - Lavender - Soothing & relaxing, aids in raising your vibrations Black Sage - Removes negativity, protects & purifies your surroundings. Juniper - Removes obstacles and eliminates suppressed emotions. Amethyst Crystal: Has a soft energy that will help alleviate anxious feelings while allowing calming energy to stabilize your mood.

This spell bottle was created to be a physical object containing various elements that you can focus your intentions and energy, promoting peace and reducing your anxiety. It is a tangible way to focus on self-care & well being.

Intuition Bottle - Yerba Santa - Strengthens psychic abilities and aids in connecting with spirit guides & angels. White Willow - Used in divination and increasing intuition Black Sage - Removes negativity, encourages visions & increased intuition. Amethyst Crystal: Helps awaken intuition & enhances psychic abilities.

The combination of the carefully chosen herbs and focused intention can help to amplify and channel the natural intuitive abilities and support the development of spiritual awareness.

Love Bottle - Rose - Attracts good luck, love and health White Sage - Removes negativity, protects & purifies your surroundings. Calamus - Connects you to your personal power, helps you to believe in yourself. Rose Quartz Crystal: Stone of universal love, restores trust & harmony and encourages unconditional love.

Hold the bottle in your hands and visualize the energy of love surrounding you. You can also speak your intention aloud or silently imbuing the bottle with your desires, then drawing on that energy.

Prosperity Bottle - Bay Leaf - Attracts good fortune, success & financial prosperity Bee Pollen - Boosts prosperity and outcome of your intention Vervain - Used in money / prosperity spells to attract wealth Citrine Crystal: Frequently used to aid in the manifestation of financial success

The bottle has been created with the intention of attracting prosperity, abundance and good fortune into your life. It is a way to focus your energy and intentions towards your goals of success.

Protection Bottle - Clove - Protects & produces positive vibrations, helps keep gossip away. Devils Claw Root - Drives away evil spirits & negative energies. Yarrow - Protector & purifier, also strengthens the power of other herbs. Black Tourmaline Crystal: Keeps negative vibrations away from your aura & out of your body space.

The spell bottle focuses on the intention of creating a barrier against warding off negative energies, influences or entities, visualizing a protective shield while drawing on the cleansing properties of the herbs and crystals.